Thanks to Kevin Smith at Duplin County Schools for arranging a professional development session with K-5 teachers. The workshop was called, “Full STEAM Ahead! Closing the Gap in STEM Subjects Through the Arts.” We explored how Dance and Theatre Arts can be integrated with Mathematics and Science. We made human graphs, used our bodies to compose and decompose. We collaborated to express mathematical and scientific principles through theatrical and dance performances. In the pictures, the teachers are working on lesson plans based on the workshop.
The workshop was sponsored by the Cameron Art Museum, facilitated by Sheila Kerrigan, of the SE Center for Arts Integration, and funded by Duke Energy and the Corning Foundation. Many thanks to all involved!
“I enjoyed your class and the movement within. I used the theater standards with force and motion today within my first grade classroom and the children had the best time acting out ‘The Enormous Turnip.’ The role cards made them all feel like they were in charge. I plan to do some more tomorrow and for the rest of my teaching career. Thanks for the excitement you’ve added to my classroom.”
Tracy Cruse, Duplin County School first grade teacher