Ahead! Teaching Math
Through & with the Arts
The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts , in partnership with The Southeast Center for Arts Integration is pleased to present a free Professional Development Workshop for Macon and Jackson County Teachers, Student Teachers, and Teaching Artists.
WHEN April 15, 2023 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration, coffee, & snack begin at 9:30 am
WHERE The Bascom 323 Franklin Rd. Highlands, NC 28741
Workshop is FREE! Coffee, snacks, and lunch provided. A Certificate of Completion, that teachers can submit to their district for CEU credit, will be provided.
To register: www.thebascom.org, or:
The Workshop
Math and Arts Connections
In this fun and engaging workshop, you will find out how to use arts-integrated teaching to illuminate mathematical concepts. Printmaking, poetry, dance, theater, music—the elements of all these art forms correlate with many concepts in math. You will experience how the arts draw students in to learning about math. The artwork displayed at the Bascom will offer sources of inspiration.
What will you know or be able to do after this workshop? By experiencing and exploring several demonstration lessons in which various art forms are integrated with Math, you will gain an understanding of how to imagine, design, and create arts-integrated lessons in your teaching practice. You will be able to use these lessons right away with your students.
The Facilitator
Jef Lambdin, Southeast Center for Arts Integration
Jef is a teaching artist. He shares workshops and residencies in mime, theater, mask, circus arts, playwriting, ensemble techniques, melodrama, and commedia dell’arte as well as in arts integration. He is the Teaching Artist Consultant for the South Carolina Arts Commission. He, along with Sheila Kerrigan, is a founding member of the Southeast Center for Arts Integration. In 2010 he attended the Lincoln Center Institute International Educator Workshop. He was a North Carolina A+ Fellow from 2005 until 2021.
Jef also is a performer, sharing his mime, variety arts and mask theater with children and families at fairs and festivals throughout the South as The InterACTive Theater of Jef. Recent performances include: Earth Day Charlotte, Merlefest, The Ocrafolk Festival, The Very Special Arts Festival in Pembroke, NC, and the South Carolina Strawberry Festival. From 1976 to 1993 Jef was a member of TOUCH, North Carolina’s touring mime theater ensemble. From 1993 through 1997, Jef created the character and performed as Wool E. Bull—the mascot for the Durham Bulls Baseball Team.