Full STEAM Ahead! Teaching Math
Through & with the Arts

The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts
, in partnership with The Southeast Center for Arts Integration is pleased to present a free Professional Development Workshop for Macon and Jackson County Teachers, Student Teachers, and Teaching Artists.





WHEN April 15, 2023 
10:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration, coffee, & snack begin at 9:30 am

WHERE The Bascom 323 Franklin Rd. Highlands, NC 28741

Workshop is FREE! 
  Coffee, snacks, and lunch provided. 
  A Certificate of Completion, that teachers can submit to their district for CEU credit, will be provided.

To register: www.thebascom.org, or:

The Workshop
Math and Arts Connections

In this fun and engaging workshop, you will find out how to use arts-integrated teaching to illuminate mathematical concepts. Printmaking, poetry, dance, theater, music—the elements of all these art forms correlate with many concepts in math. You will experience how the arts draw students in to learning about math. The artwork displayed at the Bascom will offer sources of inspiration.

What will you know or be able to do after this workshop? By experiencing and exploring several demonstration lessons in which various art forms are integrated with Math, you will gain an understanding of how to imagine, design, and create arts-integrated lessons in your teaching practice. You will be able to use these lessons right away with your students.

The Facilitator

Jef Lambdin, Southeast Center for Arts Integration

Jef is a teaching artist. He shares workshops and residencies in mime, theater, mask, circus arts, playwriting, ensemble techniques, melodrama, and commedia dell’arte as well as in arts integration. He is the Teaching Artist Consultant for the South Carolina Arts Commission. He, along with Sheila Kerrigan, is a founding member of the Southeast Center for Arts Integration. In 2010 he attended the Lincoln Center Institute International Educator Workshop. He was a North Carolina A+ Fellow from 2005 until 2021.

Jef also is a performer, sharing his mime, variety arts and mask theater with children and families at fairs and festivals throughout the South as The InterACTive Theater of Jef. Recent performances include: Earth Day Charlotte, Merlefest, The Ocrafolk Festival, The Very Special Arts Festival in Pembroke, NC, and the South Carolina Strawberry Festival. From 1976 to 1993 Jef was a member of TOUCH, North Carolina’s touring mime theater ensemble. From 1993 through 1997, Jef created the character and performed as Wool E. Bull—the mascot for the Durham Bulls Baseball Team.




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Workshop at The Bascom Museum

“It was awesome! This is the funnest workshop I have ever been in!”

After two postponements, (one for the pandemic, one for snow) we led a day-long workshop for Macon County, NC, teachers at the stunning Bascom Museum in beautiful Highlands, on April 2, 2022. So many thanks go to Karin Peterson, Executive Director, and Billy Love, Deputy Director, for a warm welcome, delicious food, and much support over the two-year planning and re-planning period.

Jen Crickenberger (www.blackbirdstudioclt.com/) and Sheila Kerrigan (www.mimewhotalks.com) led sixteen teachers, from pre-K through high school, through experiential, arts-integrated workshops, including:

  • The Art of Digital Literacy: Blending Photography and Poetry
  • Reading, Writing, and Speaking Visual Art and
  • Games We Can Play to Boost Literacy
  • Reflection and Lesson Planning.

Teachers participated enthusiastically.

“Wow! Everything was so helpful. I have learned that movement is important. I’ve also learned that art can really be integrated anywhere in any course.” –Franklin High School teacher with 16 years experience.

In Jen’s workshop, teachers learned about the art of photographic composition, then, switching seamlessly from learners to artists, took photos that demonstrated their understanding, then learned how to edit their photos on their digital devices and, finally, wrote poems based on one of their photos.

Using details in visual art to make inferences

In the gallery, they learned to “read the text” of a work of visual art with Sheila, and practiced their new-found visual literacy in small groups, where they closely examined and questioned the visual art, made inferences, wrote dialogues based on the art, and performed the dialogues.

“This workshop has been inspirational and informative. Just the right amount of physical, group and small group activities. Excellent.” — K-5 teacher with 30 years experience teaching

They then learned about the connections between movement, cell growth in the brain, learning, memory, and mood, and played movement games that support learning in English Language Arts and Social-Emotional Learning.

Jen Crickenberger

Finally, they planned how they would use the day’s activities in their classrooms.

“I can’t wait to implement [the games], in order to keep students engaged.”

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Arts Integration During a Pandemic

2020:  Our community members–students, parents, teachers, and artists–are all struggling to cope and thrive during a global crisis. We know that the arts can support learning across the curriculum. We know that learning through the arts deepens understanding and strengthens connections to content. The performing arts require collaboration with others. All the arts allow all of us to express who we are, what we think, how we feel, and what we see and envision in myriad ways. Discussing what we see in a work of art opens up portals to broader topics.  The arts provide multiple pathways to social and emotional learning. We believe that arts integration is even more important in these times of quarantine and isolation. The arts connect us spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. They warm us and let us glow in the dark.

The Southeast Center for Arts Integration is researching and testing virtual avenues for leading professional development for teachers and teaching artists during the pandemic. We are also available for in-person, socially distant, sanitized, and safe workshops. And we hope all teachers and teaching artists stay safe, sanitary, sane, and COVID-free in the coming months and years.

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Closing the Gap in Digital Literacy with Arts Integration

We held a professional development session for 33 teachers on May 4, 2019, on “Closing the Gap in Digital Literacy with Arts Integration,” at the Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington, NC, US. Photographer, Jen Crickenberger, animator, Jaclyn Bowie, and Museum Interpreter, Luc Travers, facilitated workshops.

“Thank you. Everytime I’ve come, your PD is better than any other—even State convention PD.”
—Heidi Pfirman, Art Teacher, New Hanover Co. Schs.

“I really enjoyed this workshop from beginning to end. It is definitely going to help me in the classroom.”

Jen Crickenberger

Jen Crickenberger led an elegant introduction to photographic composition, after which teachers went on a photo safari, taking pictures of elements like line, shape, light and shadow, foreground-background, abstraction, and more. They used one of their pictures as a jumping-off point for writing either haiku or free-form poetry.

Jaclyn Bowie demonstrating stop-motion technique.

Jaclyn Bowie began by showing stop-motion animations that she, and her students, had created. She led teachers in an exploration of Google Earth, focusing especially on how rivers cut their shapes out of the rocks and soils they traverse. Then teachers, while using stop-motion photography made a model of a river in sand and poured water down the riverbeds they made, to recreate and document the serpentine process of erosion that rivers continually bring about.

Luc Travers led teachers into one of the CAM galleries, introduced them to the works of Minnie Evans, Clyde Jones, Annie Hooper, and Vollis Simpson, and gave them some open-ended approaches to engaging students with the art.

Using an ipad to make stop-motion animation of how a river moves through sandy soil.

“This was an incredible experience that motivated me to motivate my students to use art to learn.”

“Thank you so so much for making this available! I loved seeing the museum, exhibits and learning everything today!”

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Closing the Gap
in Digital Literacy with Arts Integration
for Educators & Parents of Students in Grades Pre-K-8
May 4, 2019 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Presented by
The Cameron Art Museum & The Southeast Center for Arts Integration

This FREE professional development session incorporates elements of both arts-integrated and hands-on learning experiences with Digital Literacy, English Language Arts, and Science. You will see how to use art, starting with exhibits in the galleries as springboards, to dive into the connections between the Arts, Digital Literacy, and English. This day-long workshop is especially for educators and parents in Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, and Sampson counties. We will provide time and support for arts-integrated lesson planning.
This program is funded by the Joseph and Elsa Flowers Davies Fund.

“The professional development was hands-on and allowed each of us to personalize the information according to the standards that we are responsible for teaching….As a district leader, I believe it is important for us to think about how we might be able to bring visual literacy to multiple areas of our curriculum. Your experiences helped me to look at visual art in new and personal ways. Thank you for sharing your passions and helping me to ignite my own!”
Ebony Massey, K-5 ELA Curriculum Specialist, Cumberland County Schools

Registration Information
The full-day workshop takes place at: Cameron Art Museum, 3201 South 17th St., Wilmington, NC. Registration is free and includes lunch. Space is limited; registration is required!  Register at cameronartmuseum.org/closingthegap

Need Additional Information? Contact Us!
Georgia Mastroieni CAM Director of Youth & Family Education georgia@cameronartmuseum.org
Sheila Kerrigan President, Southeast Center for Arts Integration kerrigan@mindspring.com

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Closing the Gap in Literacy with Arts Integration at the CAM 11-10-18

“My colleagues and I thought the workshop was wonderful! This week, I’ve already taught my kids Squirrel, Nut, Tree (some are playing it during recess as I write this). We’ve written without using punctuation; we’ve used our five senses to write about a piece of art I photographed on Saturday; and they’ve free-written about the bird sculpture I made. They are ASKING to do more writing. The workshop inspired me and has energized my class in the best way.” –Kelly Regan, Teacher, Third Grade, Penderlea School
“The professional development was hands-on and allowed each of us to personalize the information according to the standards that we are responsible for teaching.  I plan to incorporate many of the strategies and ideas into the professional development experiences I will create for my teachers.  Looking at it from my perspective, as a district leader, I believe that it is important for us to think about how we might be able to bring visual literacy to multiple areas of our curriculum.  Your experiences helped me to look at visual art in new and personal ways.  Thank you for sharing your passions and helping me to ignite my own! ” Eboni Massey, K-5 ELA Curriculum SpecialistCumberland County Schools

The Southeast Center for Arts Integration led another “Closing the Gap with Arts Integration” professional development workshop at the Cameron Art Museum for teachers from two states and seven counties. Mimi Herman and KT Childress began the day by asking teachers to write down a challenging standard they teach, and what students say about it.

A challenge for an art teacher, and what students say when she introduces it.








Mimi and KT led entrancing workshops that integrated the amazing art in the galleries with English Language Arts standards. Teachers investigated art works as text–they looked (for two minutes without talking!), saw, questioned, analyzed, interpreted, and conversed with the art by writing narratives, 1,000 word sentences, and poetry.

They examined the works of Grainger McCoy.

Grainger McCoy





They made art in 2-and 3-D.

A sculpture of a bird made with paper, recycled paper and objects, chenille stems and hot glue.

“The Closing the Gap in Literacy with the Arts  workshops were amazing. It’s always fun to see what great opportunities the CAM holds for our students, and getting to experience the galleries in a hands-on way is great! We learned some games to play with students to make their experience with art more personal and we were able to create an underwater animal to contribute to the huge interactive art installation. I loved the writing workshop – writing has not always been easy for me, but using art to spark a writing assignment somehow made it fun, and I was totally surprised at what I was able to create. I feel like now I can take this back to the classroom and hopefully make writing fun for my students as well! I also loved the art making project using Grainger McKoy’s sculptures to inspire a story and sculpture of our own. Thank you for the continuing opportunities to better my craft as an artist and educator!” –Lisa Banester, Art Teacher, Southport Elementary

At the end of the day, they worked on lesson plans to take back to their students.

Teachers designing lesson plans based on their challenging standard.

“This PD was awesome! I always tried to tie Language Arts and writing into my Art class but always felt it was boring, forced, and not done well. I was grasping. This workshop gave me great ideas on how to build up to the writing and make it so I am providing guidelines and the students can take off in the direction they want. This was well worth my time and can’t wait until the next! Thank you CAM for prividing us with great information and resources and hands on fun and experience.” –Cassandra Kane


Luc Travers  of the CAM gave the teachers an effective way for them to help students find a personal and emotional relationship to art works–from there they will be eager to write or create.

Teachers using the Quick Reference Guide to find standards in art and literacy to integrate in a lesson plan.

It was inspiring to see the educators dig deep into the art and emerge so happy. Many thanks to Holly Tripman Fitzgerald, Georgia Mastroieni, Anne Brennan, Troy, Mike, Doris, Heather Wilson, and all the CAM staff.


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Closing the Gap in STEM with Arts Integration Leaves Teachers Happy at the Cameron Art Museum (CAM) in Wilmington, NC

On May 19, 2018, the Southeast Center for Arts Integration led a day of workshops  for teachers and parents from eight counties in the Wilmington area. (New Hanover, Brunswick, Bladen, Columbus, Duplin, Onslow, Pender, Sampson) The workshops were free, and the CAM provided free morning snacks and a free lunch. (Yes, there IS a free lunch!) Thank you to the Joseph and Elsa Flowers Davies Fund for support!

Thank you so much for all of the time you, Jef, and September put into these workshops. I actually came home and did the 3D shape activity with my girls today!  What a great way to study geometrical shapes before testing! Hands on! My kindergartener did a great job describing the shape … which made writing a poem easy for my 3rd grader. –Traci Rottmann, Home-schooling Mother

I think students will benefit from a hands on approach while engaging with their peers.  I also took note of making sure to balance standards from different disciplines without overdoing it.  I learned it is important to always consider the most relevant items to assess during each lesson. – Kamica Morris, Pre-K—2nd Teacher, NHCS

Workshops We Led

How Can YOU Use the Cameron Art Museum? Let Us Count the Ways! with Luc Travers

Teachers learned about the CAM’s rich resources for teachers and students. They made connections between the art in exhibits and the NC Standards. They found out about classes for adults and youth, weekend workshops, and field trips. They heard about instructor-guided tours of the museum’s exhibitions that include objects in the museum’s permanent collection not on view. They got sneak previews into exciting, upcoming exhibitions.

Gallery walks and connection to artists through our phones and their interviews was eye opening. The upcoming CAM displays sound fabulous and I look forward to attending more often. – Robbin Dunthorn, EC 6th-8th Grades, Pender County Schools

The fact that the presenters were knowledgeable about the Standards was welcomed. – Diane Best, Reading and Math Teacher, 6-8th Grades, Sampson County Schools

Arts Integration Does Not Have to be a Project with Jef Lambdin

Teachers experienced examples of short, rigorous, and to-the-point STEAM lessons that enhance classroom atmosphere and culture.

I will be using the 2 “Energizer” games that we learned, in my 4th grade classroom. – Michelle Grill, St. Mark’s School

The movement exercise in factoring was also a fun way to incorporate learning in a group setting.  Again, the camaraderie that built between the participants is what we are trying to teach our boys ( and a few girls) in our class. Social skills and respect is a focus in our middle school. – Robbin Dunthorn, EC Teacher, 6th-8th Grades, Pender County Schools

Beyond the Picture Frame with September Krueger

Participants read the clues in an artist’s composition and collectively imagined where they were and what the needs might be beyond the frame. Working with measurement, scale, and social organization, they designed solutions for questions about place. They were integrating Math (measurement, scale, fractions), Social Studies: (interactions between humans and the environment), and Science (how humans adapt behavior to live in changing habitats).

Thank you for such a wonderful day.  Albeit very rainy and difficult for me to reach, it was totally worth every minute on that wet and slick road! I am able to bring so many ideas back to my classroom. … I enjoyed experiencing the different ways to appreciate art in both gallery spaces, as I believe that I can utilize ideas, questioning techniques and ‘games’ for all levels of students. – Natalie Doherty, K-5 Visual Art Teacher, Brunswick County Schools

Geometric Shapes & Concrete Poems with Jef Lambdin

Teachers experienced an authentic learning challenge designed for students. The workshop matched up state math and English standards with a work of visual art from the CAM’s North Carolina Arts Council 2017 Fellowship Award Exhibition, so teachers understood how to create rich lessons that integrate Art, English, and Mathematics.

That was a very rewarding day at CAM! Meeting new people and learning ways to integrate the Arts into the classroom was exciting! The poetry workshop was spot on as we have been working with a resource class ( full of boys) trying to encourage creativity through poems. The building of the shapes and group discussions about what the shape reminded us of made the poem writing a breeze! I look forward to taking this back to the boys!! – Robbin Dunthorn, EC Teacher, 6th-8th Grades, Pender County Schools

Words of Wisdom with September Krueger

Teachers made a mask inspired by quotes from artists; took away a mask that speaks words of inspiration for your classroom.

Loved looking at art pieces and using it to jump start a writing activity. …loved all the presentations! — Donna Hampton, 3rd Grade Teacher, St. Mark’s School

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Educators’ Night at the CAM: March 15, 2018,

Southeast NC Educators –

Happy Hour is on the Cameron Art Museum

Spend a fun and relaxing evening at CAM with free admission and view our exhibitions State of the Art/Art of the State and North Carolina Arts Council 2017 Fellowship Award Exhibition during an exclusive event for educators.

Our spring Educators Night will provide information and materials about tours, workshops, lesson plans, and other free resources for area educators. All educators and administrators – from Pre-K to College – welcome and encouraged to attend and explore fun ways to bring art into your classroom and spark creativity in your students.

Complimentary drink ticket for all registered participants.
Light bites provided by CAM Café
Live Music from 4:30 – 8:00 PM
Special Educators Tapas Menu available from 5 – 7 PM

5:00 PM – Welcome remarks by Director of Youth and Family Education
5:30 PM – Highlight Tour of North Carolina Arts Council 2017 Fellowship Award Exhibition
5:30 PM – Preview of free professional development workshop Closing the Gap in STEM, led by the Southeast Center for Arts Integration
6:00 PM – Highlight Tour of North Carolina Arts Council 2017 Fellowship Award Exhibition
6:00 PM – Preview of our free professional development workshop Closing the Gap in STEM, led by the Southeast Center for Arts Integration

This event is free but advanced registration is required. For more information, http://cameronartmuseum.org/index.php?c=educators-night   or call: 910-395-5999

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Closing the Gap in Literacy with Arts Integration

for Educators & Parents of Students in Grades Pre-K-8

November 11, 2017 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Presented by

The Cameron Art Museum & The Southeast Center for Arts Integration

CAM2tchrs strings2012 167smallThis professional development session is offered free for all educators and parents in Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, and Sampson counties. Designed collaboratively by the Cameron Art Museum and the Southeast Center for Arts Integration, it incorporates elements of both arts-integrated and hands-on learning experiences with Literacy. We will use the art exhibits in the galleries as springboards to dive into the connections between visual literacy and reading and writing, and between visual art, literary art, and theatre arts. We thank the Joseph and Elsa Flowers Davies Fund for funding.7189218225_aba89e398a_s

CEU’s: We plan for the workshop to result in CEU’s for teachers. We provide participants with workshop descriptions and vitae of facilitators. Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.

The workshop will take place at the CAM: 3201 S. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28412  910.395.5999

To register:


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Full STEAM AHEAD! May 20, 2017 at Cameron Art Museum

Closing the Gap in STEM & Literacy with Arts Integration

for Educators & Parents of Students in Grades Pre-K-8
May 20, 2017 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Wilmington, NC, US

First of all I just want to say Thank You!!!!! I really enjoyed every session of the workshops.  I loved the rhythm games that were introduced to us and plan on using them to help my pre-k students with rhyming words.  I will also be using the movement piece to help them understand personal space.  There was nothing that did not have value in it.  I can and will use every part as often as I can.  This year is almost over but watch out next year I am ready!!!! … I look forward to the next part of the series.
Sarah C Bailey, Mary Washington Howe Pre-K

This professional development session was offered FREE for all educators and parents in Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, and Sampson counties. Designed collaboratively by the Cameron Art Museum and the Southeast Center for Arts Integration, it incorporates elements of both arts-integrated and hands-on learning experiences with Mathematics, Science, and Literacy.

We thank Duke Energy Foundation and the Joseph and Elsa Flowers Davies Fund for their generous support of this on-going initiative.


Making Abstract Math Concepts Concrete


Traditional textbooks and verbal instruction in Mathematics, Science, and Literacy can fail to engage the portions of the brain that can truly comprehend and apply the concepts essential to deep understanding. These workshops  build on strategies that foster deep understanding by engaging the whole brain and offering opportunities for both concrete and abstract experiences. They address multiple strands of the Common Core and NC Standards for Science, Literacy and Mathematics for grades Pre-K-8. Teaching artists who are masters at providing experiential, collaborative learning experiences to both teachers and students led the workshops.

Activities that engage our students and provide for hands-on activities always keep our students learning. Thank you for all your ideas. I am now looking at ways to try them in my room.
Miriam Salas, 2nd Grade Teacher

I have attended many teacher workshops as I have 12 years high school teaching experience and yours made me excited to get back into the classroom and try many of your ideas. Please keep in contact and let me know when you have your next workshop. I will be there.
Sarah Dehn

Movement & Percussion Bring a Story to Life

Movement & Percussion Bring a Story to Life

CEU credit was approved by the 8 counties and the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education. We provided workshop descriptions and vitae of workshop facilitators. Participants received a Certificate of Completion.

The workshop took place at: Cameron Art Museum, 3201 South 17th St., Wilmington, NC


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