November 10, 2018, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
for Educators & Parents of Students in Grades Pre-K-8
Presented by
The Cameron Art Museum & The Southeast Center for Arts Integration
This is a free professional development day for educators and parents in Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, and Sampson counties. Designed collaboratively by the Cameron Art Museum and the Southeast Center for Arts Integration, it incorporates elements of both arts-integrated and hands- on learning experiences with English Language Arts and Literacy. We will use the art exhibits in the galleries as springboards to dive into the connections between the arts and English, and we will provide time and support for arts-integrated lesson planning.
We thank the Joseph and Elsa Flowers Davies Fund for funding.
Traditional textbooks and verbal instruction can fail to engage the portions of the brain that are needed to truly comprehend and apply the concepts essential to deep understanding. These workshops are built on strategies that foster deep understanding by engaging the whole brain. They address multiple strands of the NC Essential Standards in English Language Arts and Literacy for Pre-K-8 and are taught by teaching artists who are able to provide experiential, collaborative learning experiences to both teachers and students.
CEU’s We work with district offices to get approval of CEU’s for teachers. Participants get workshop descriptions and vitae of facilitators and will receive a Certificate of Completion.
“Thank YOU!!! That was a very rewarding day at CAM! … learning ways to integrate the Arts into the classroom was exciting! The poetry work- shop was spot on…. The building of the shapes and group discussions about what the shape reminded us of made the poem writing a breeze! I look forward to taking this back to the boys!! Gallery walks and connection to artists through our phones and their interviews was eye opening. The upcoming CAM displays sound fabulous and I look forward to attending more often.
“September’s workshop which asked us to add to the painting was a fun way to get the viewer involved and I KNOW this will work in our class! The time allotted for each project … was short but ample, making the time fly by and leaving us wanting more as 4 o’clock rolled around way too soon!”
—Robbin Dunthorn
Southeast Center for Arts Integration faculty, Mimi Herman and KT Childress, and Cameron Art Museum Interpretation, Luc Travers will lead:
Paper Birds Flying Words— Starting with the sculptures of Grainger McCoy at the CAM, we will explore his captured moments of balance and flight, their reflection in the visual arts and the connection to local North Carolina song birds and their habitats. We will create our own “real McCoys” from recyclable materials-old books, newspaper, cereal boxes, and paper towel tubes. We will create written narratives exploring the sculpture and it’s personal connection and significance. You will be able to easily re-create this in the classroom.
Art Smart/Word Smart: Visual Literacy and Poetry
From Homer to Keats, poets have always found inspiration in visual art, translating visual literacy into a verbal art form. In Art Smart/Word Smart, we’ll explore a variety of artworks, find the ones that inspire us, view through our eyes, and express them with our pens. You’ll become Ekphrasis Detectives, exploring visual art to discover its secrets, and translating those secrets into your own poetry. After this workshop, you’ll be an expert in using visual literacy to promote verbal literacy.
How Can YOU Use the Cameron Art Museum? Let Us Count the Ways! The CAM has rich resources for teachers and students that you can incorporate into your teaching practice. See how many connections you can make between the art in exhibits and the NC Standard Course of Study. Find out about classes for adults and youth, weekend workshops, field trips, arts-integrated lesson plans designed for educators, instructor-guided tours of the museum’s exhibitions and select objects in the museum’s permanent collection not on view, and use of the museum’s non-circulating art library numbering over 2000 publications.
The full-day workshop takes place at: Cameron Art Museum, 3201 South 17th St., Wilmington, NC Registration is free and includes lunch. Space is limited; registration is required! Register online at .
Need Additional Information? Contact Us!
Georgia Mastroieni CAM Director of Youth & Family Education
Sheila Kerrigan President, Southeast Center for Arts Integration