Closing the Gap in Literacy with Arts Integration

for Educators & Parents of Students in Grades Pre-K-8

November 11, 2017 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Presented by

The Cameron Art Museum & The Southeast Center for Arts Integration

CAM2tchrs strings2012 167smallThis professional development session is offered free for all educators and parents in Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, and Sampson counties. Designed collaboratively by the Cameron Art Museum and the Southeast Center for Arts Integration, it incorporates elements of both arts-integrated and hands-on learning experiences with Literacy. We will use the art exhibits in the galleries as springboards to dive into the connections between visual literacy and reading and writing, and between visual art, literary art, and theatre arts. We thank the Joseph and Elsa Flowers Davies Fund for funding.7189218225_aba89e398a_s

CEU’s: We plan for the workshop to result in CEU’s for teachers. We provide participants with workshop descriptions and vitae of facilitators. Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.

The workshop will take place at the CAM: 3201 S. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28412 910.395.5999

To register:

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